Adam Then Jesus
Whenever we hear the name Adam spoken, we should shutter. Whenever we hear the name Jesus spoken, we should rejoice!
ADAM put in a beautiful garden was put out of it because of his sin.
JESUS was in heaven but left it willingly to deal with Adam’s sin.
ADAM, the man, wanted to become God by gaining knowledge of good and evil.
JESUS, God, became man to lead us to the true knowledge of good and evil.
ADAM was weak when enticed by his wife to eat of the fruit.
JESUS was strong when asked by his father to suffer for us.
ADAM stretched out his hand to the forbidden tree to try to become God.
JESUS stretched out his hands on the cross to become our Savior.
With ADAM came death.
With JESUS came life.
For ADAM, the sweetness of the apple brought death.
For JESUS, the bitterness of the cross brought life.
The tree of ADAM brought us bondage.
The tree of JESUS brought us freedom.
ADAM’S disobedience brought men down so that they lived like beasts.
JESUS’S obedience lifted men up that they can live like God.
ADAM’S pride closed paradise to all.
JESUS’S humility opened paradise to all.
ADAM’S disobedience brought us eternal death.
JESUS’S obedience brought us eternal life.
Praise be to you Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever and ever... Everlasting praise and gratitude be to you ... For we sons of Adam are eternally in your debt.
May we never forget, may we never forget!