Dealing With The Difficult
A certain man had a problem. He had a huge problem. Whenever he drove, especially in city traffic, he would be furious with bad drivers. They would cut him off, run red lights, run stop signs, and cut in front of him.
Each time he would get upset and shout at the drivers and complain to those in the car with him. “Did you see what that guy did?” He would say. It was like this all the time. He was always getting upset when he drove his car. It seemed like it was not a matter of if he would get upset and start screaming, but just a matter of it he would get upset and start screaming, but just a matter of when. His wife knew the routine all too well.
The driver was so irritated, so upset with other drivers, he thought of a plan. He understood that without a doubt some drivers, he thought of a plan. He understood that without a doubt some drivers would mess up, will do ridiculous things behind the wheel. He now finally realized that it was not a matter of whether they would upset him with their driving behavior, but just a matter of when. From now on, he thought, when they mess up, he would just plan for them to mess up, anticipate them to mess up, and actually would be waiting for them to mess up. Sounds unusual, but he thought he would try it. If other drivers drove well, all would be well; if they drove poorly, he would be expecting it and would not allow himself to be upset. Instead, he would laugh. He could laugh because he knew sooner of later some driver or more likely some drivers, would mess up. It would be something he was anticipating. He would prepare himself for it. He would be “right” about there being a lot of bad drivers on the road. He would be “right”- that would make him smile.
He thought he was on to something. After a while he noticed he no longer got all when other drivers did something careless or stupid behind the wheel. Now he was prepared for it. Instead of getting all upset and complaining loudly to everyone around him, he would smile. After doing this for awhile, he began to laugh each time a driver messed up. He would remind himself again and again, things would happen and to be ready for them.
This worked so well for him. He never for upset while driving. Driving was much, more pleasant experience. Now all drivers made him happy. If they messed up, he would laugh; if they drove correctly he would be happy about that too. It was sort of a win-win situation. Before he would get upset almost every time he drove. Being irritated by other people’s driving behavior.
So now he would be waiting for, expecting people to make a thoughtless remark or an irritating comment and when it happened - he would be ready, he would be prepared. And he had to discipline himself and that misbehavior on the part of another would happen. Again it would not be a matter of if, but only when. When it did occur he would smile, he would laugh; he would not be irritated. He knew people would say or so stupid things he just had to prepare himself for them. He began to implement his new plan - in ordering situations and just as he anticipated, it worked well, very well. He was no longer upset with people anymore.
Sadly he realized he has to plan on people acting badly. If he planned on it he would not be thrown off guard when it happened.
Now everyone made him happy. When people said thoughtless, ridiculous, insulting, or erroneous things he now would simply smile or break into a laugh. And those who displayed all those positive characteristics of godly people, he delighted in. Those people made him very happy. He was a happy man. And he made those around him happy.