We as a nation, we as a people, are crowding more and more people together in large cities, large mega-strips of over lapping cities. It is absolutely mind boggling how we continue to concentrate more and more people in an extremely small area.
TIME magazine's map/drawing clearly and geographically shows this. There is an enormous concentration of people in large cities and most rural areas are deserted. The answer to this problem?
A Population Density Graduated Tax. This is how it would work. Those living in extremely high population density areas would pay a higher tax. Those living in low density areas would pay much less.
In addition, tax breaks could be given to corporations and small businesses for opening new stores or business in a sparsely populated area and conversely those businesses opening up in a densely populated area would pay a higher tax.
Some people may say this is unfair, unconstitutional, yet if we have the graduated income tax, when people make more, they pay more.
The increased concentration of people cramming into smaller and smaller areas seems impossible to stop and yet it creates more and more problems. Enormous traffic congestion, long commutes to work, construction of huge buildings, some 50 stories or more, and multi-level parking garages are just a few of the problems.
Much more profound is the resulting increased isolation of the population. This ever increasing population concentration must be stopped. The population density tax could be an answer.