God’s word is inexhaustible and absolutely incredible. It is the most treasured possession we have on this earth. There are some very specific characteristics briefly touched upon here.
1. God’s word is precious.
What is precious to you? Is it your house, your car, your spouse, your child? What’s the most precious thing in your life? Some things we just seemingly can’t do without. There are ‘musts’ in our lives. Let’s hope it’s not your pet. An elderly lady tells me over and over; her cats are the most precious things in her life.
What about you? For many, it’s money, fame, a new house, a new car, a new boat. For some, it’s real estate property. Now, let’s ask ourselves what’s most precious to God? You ask that question to people and some say “I don’t know”, and sadly they really don’t know what’s most precious to GOD!
If we open the bible and look at Psalm 138:2, we see, “…for you have exalted your name and your WORD above everything”. The you is referring to our sovereign GOD! So for God the most precious things are His Word and His name and to GOD, His word is more highly regarded than His NAME! Doesn’t it make sense to regard as most precious to me the very thing that is most precious to God? Makes sense to me. Isn’t it wise that we make most precious to us what is most precious to God?
So why is His Word so, so, so precious? Why? Let us consider the reason why His Word id precious. In His word, the BIBLE, we learn, all about where we came from- who created us, who we are. In Genesis we learn all about these things. How we were created, all about why we were created, all about our purpose and where we are going next. Also we see how God interacts with man, how he cares for mankind. We also see how God continues to constantly interact with man. We learn how we are to live. We learn how we are to be rewarded and punished for the way we live. We learn that there is a heaven. We learn that there is hell. Most importantly we learn about God’s son Jesus, His thoughts, His deeds, His plans for us. And we learn how we are saved. We learn what we are saved from (the wrath of God) and what we are saved for (to serve God). All very important revelations.
So it is that the word is extremely precious. Without it, we are truly ignorant and without true purpose. His word contains so much wisdom, so much truth and so much revelation and the future.
If it’s precious in God’s sight, we should make it precious in our sight too.
2. God’s Word is Powerful
Where do we see power, enormous, gigantic, unimaginable power?
We see the power in the engine of an airplane, like the 757 and 500- for years. We see the power in the engines used to send man into space- awesome power! We see the power in machines used to light up the cities in all the countries of the world. We see the power in our sun and then we try to comprehend the power, the energy that is in the entire universe. It’s beyond our human comprehension.
If we look at the universe, the sun is 15,000° C at the core, 5,000° C at the surface and this is only one sun. It gives off incredible energy for thousands of years. So many examples of power and yet it was the spoken word of God recorded in Genesis 1:1 that created the Earth and the entire universe. What awesome power is there in the word of God. For GOD SPOKE and it all came into existence, all by uttering His WORD. What awesome incomprehensible power expressed, manifested by His Word! No event, no action, no phenomenon has ever occurred in the entire history of the universe or can ever compare in any way to that event.
Let’s focus for a moment on the power generated by the splitting of an atom- we find there is absolutely enormous energy in atoms as we found out in atomic bomb explosion. God by His word did an awesome thing in creating the incredibly wonderful, marvelous planet Earth and the universe. So it‘s easy to see, God’s Word is powerful, powerful beyond anything we can think or even imagine. Try to consider the most powerful thing imaginable, yet God’s power is greater than anything we can think or even imagine...Truly awesome in His word, spoken by an awesome God.
Think of the energy needed to keep the whole planet with light. Consider the energy of the sun. Then consider the energy in the entire universe. It is beyond comprehension. Yet God spoke His Word and it came into existence. That’s power!
3. God’s Word is Profound
The Bible, the word of God is also the most profound book ever to be found.
The incredible depth of thought that is expressed in the bible is truly astounding. To state just a few of the many, many profound statements in God’s word.
In Genesis we learn that time, space, and matter had a beginning. We are told about the order of creation. We are told the absolute perfect dimensions used to build Noah’s Ark. Also the genetic code is defined.
In Job we have the hydrologic (water) cycle explained; we learn that light is in motion (has speed), that the earth “hangs on nothing” in space and that air has weight. In Leviticus we are told blood is the source of life to the flesh. We learn the principles of quarantine, that land regains nutrients. The principle of sterilization, we learn in the book of Numbers.
In Psalms we are told about the first Law of Thermodynamics; that the universe is expanding; the second law of thermodynamics, the sun moves in a circuit of the galaxy and rivers of water flow in oceans (the Gulf stream).
In Isaiah these same truths as found in the Psalms. Isaiah also informs us the earth is a sphere (In His time the earth was regarded as flat). Isaiah also informs us of the coming of the Messiah (Ch 9:6) and the suffering of the Messiah (Ch 53). All in very explicit detail.
In Jeremiah it is revealed stars are in the billions - “uncountable” and the stars all differ from each other.
These are just a few of the incredibly profound insights that were ‘discovered’ by men of science e.g. Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Einstein, Harvey, Hubble, Dalton and Herschel. These insights were developed long after they were recorded in the Bible.
Our bible- God’s Word - then is extremely profound. What actually is even more profound are the revelations in John about the nature of God, the trinity, the existence of three persons in one God, the nature of Christ, (John 1:1-4) and the numerous other profound statements about the nature of God and His plans for humanity. These insights are even more profound than the insights into nature and the universe.
Additionally, Hebrew schools over the centuries, have found hidden information or codes in the bible. There is the surface text and there is also very specific information to be found upon further analysis of the text with the use of modern day computers, this starting reality has been verified. We can assert with certainty the bible is truly the most profound look ever written.
4. God’s Word is Very Practical
The Bible is truly a “how to” book. So often we see and read how to books. How to do carpentry, how to make a cake, how to get along with people, there is thousands of “how to” books - all with very helpful advice. The hope is that people would take an interest, read the book and then apply it to their lives. That is what “how to” books are designed and purposed to do.
So many people fail at what they are doing or trying to do, they finally decide to seek direction and guidance from someone who knows how to do a particular skill - so they get the “how to” book, read it and most importantly, apply it.
The bible is the most practical and most essential “how to” book in existence. The bible shows us how to love, how to think, how to believe, how to treat others, how to use money, how to choose a career, how to choose a husband or a wife, how to live peaceably with all men and how to honor our God. Thus, the “how to” book of all time.
5. God’s Word is Personal
The word of God is very personal.
Many have observed when reading the Bible, it seems, that God is talking to them directly, individually, on a person to person basis. And God is directly speaking to us. He is the creator, He made us and He communicates to us through His WORD. He wants is to know who he is and what he expects from us. He is very much an interactive, personal God. The Bible has been described as God’s personal love letter(s) to mankind. He tells us about Himself and lets us know how He loves us.
God’s revelation of Himself is a huge part of the Bible. God gets very personal. He shares with us the nature of His being and the nature of relationship he wants with every person on the planet. Strangely enough he chooses to allow mere man and women to do the telling, to proclaim to all who He is and what he has done for mankind.
Today we hear a lot about “being in a relationship”. i.e. have a warm, intimate, mutual, loving relationship with another human being. That is exactly what God wishes to have with us. He is the initiator, He is the one who takes the first step in the relationship. For is says - “while we were yet sinners, God loved us”. He took the first step. Now he awaits our response. If the personal relationship is begun by any person, prompted by what God tells us about Himself in the Bible. This is the beginning of a long and wondrous loving relationship of the creature with His creator.
It was said many years ago - and it’s just as true today. The secret of the Saints is the deep and abiding realization of God’s love for them, personal and individual, a love that is utterly profound and personal. If it were not for the bible, we would not know this.
Personal love is to a large extent about revelation of one self to the other person. That’s what truly deepens the relationship. This revelation God has done - in His word - in His revelations about Himself to us. We are invited to respond to His astounding invitation.
Personal love is also about giving, giving of what we have and giving of ourselves. This is exactly what God has done. He has given us what the has, eternal life and gave us Himself by coming to earth and dying on a cross redeeming us. We would never know this if it were not for His Holy Word that he made certain was written and presented to us. Let us hope that it is more clear than ever before that the bible the great love of God, the mystery of salvation and of the cross and of the resurrection, the reality of heaven and earth would not be known to us.
So, let us treasure His Word. Let us read His Word, let us cherish His Word and let us abide in His Word so we may abound in His Word.